Slavery - it has never been worse
50 million
people enslaved
women and children
price per slave
Why it matters
More people are enslaved today than at any time in human history. In no country is slavery legal; yet it happens everywhere. Modern slavery is hidden in red light districts and factories, on fishing boats and farms, through our supply chains, and even within our own homes. The number of people in slavery grows each year - more urgency has never been needed.
Forms of slavery
Slavery affects the vulnerable – men, women, and children alike. Ultimately, modern slavery is characterised by the denial of a basic freedom and human dignity when a victim is exploited for economic or personal gain.
Forced Labor
Being forced to work under the threat of violence or for no pay. Slaves are treated like property and exploited to create products like technology, fashion, or other items for commercial sale.
Human Trafficking
The recruitment, transportation, or transfer of individuals against their will by improper means to be taken advantage of for forced labor and/or sexual exploitation
Sex Slavery
Women, men, or children who are forced into the commercial sex industry and held against their will by force, fraud, or coercion.
Forced Marriage
Forcing a woman or child to get married without consent or against their will.
Child Labor
Any enslavement of children — whether forced labor, domestic servitude, or sex trafficking.
Bonded Labor
Individuals who are forced into labor in order to pay back debts and unable to leave until the debt is repaid.
Domestic Servitude
Domestic workers working in private homes who are forced or strong-armed into serving and/or fraudulently convinced that leaving is no option.